Problem Solved: The IISE Podcast

Problem Solved: The IISE Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 8 Season 3

Innovating Personal Healthcare

Innovating Personal HealthcareInnovating Personal Healthcare


SPONSORED BY LSU ONLINE. Tandice Urban, a keynote speaker at Healthcare Systems Process Improvement Conference 2022, talks with Valerie Boelman, Society for Health Systems board member, about how her own healthcare experience inspired her to create The Lanby, a members-only primary care service.

Show Notes

Learn more about #HSPI2022 and save on registration by Jan. 11 at:

What is Problem Solved: The IISE Podcast?

Conversations with industrial and systems engineers about their work, ideas and solutions. This podcast will feature both IISE members and non-members who come from diverse backgrounds in both academia and industry to discuss a wide range of topics as it relates to their work as well as some off-beat topics that we think you, our audience, will find fascinating.