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Transform Your Teaching
Episode 40
Season 1
Building a Community of Inquiry for Effective Online Learning - Adapting to Online Learning and Future Outlook
November 10, 2023
Center for Teaching & Learning at Cedarville University
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In this episode, Rob and Jared conclude our series on the Community of Inquiry framework by discussing the future of online learning in higher education. Contact us at with any questions. You can also visit our blog at for additional resources. We would love to get your feedback! Please fill out our survey to help improve our podcast and serve you better.
Building on the Community of Inquiry framework, Jared and Rob emphasize the importance of constructing an online course that is well-designed. They encourage frequent communication between instructors and students in an online setting and suggest strategies such as using video feedback and monitoring student engagement to ensure effective communication. As Rob thinks about the future, he emphasizes the potential of AI in online learning, citing examples of how AI tools such as ChatGPT can be used to create programs and analyze pictures.
Jared and Rob recognize that cheating can be a serious concern for instructors in online courses, but research suggests that students who choose to cheat in an online environment will do the same in face-to-face courses. Jared suggests using strategies such as implementing higher-level activities and projects to minimize cheating incidents. Continuous adaptation and readiness to embrace change are crucial in online learning, and the Community of Inquiry framework can be a helpful tool in this endeavor.