Simply Convivial: Biblical Homemaking & Homeschooling—Without Stress or Burnout
Episode 199
Season 1
How to change your mindset
This episode is an excerpt from a recent mentoring session that I host weekly inside Simply Convivial Continuing Education. Our topic was mindset habits and how even our thoughts and responses can be habitual - both good and bad. So what we know about habits breaking and habit building applies even to our mindset, even to our attitude.
We need to break out of bad attitude ruts and form some new and intentional ruts in our brains.
Weeks have passed since the holidays which were a fun break but also exhausting and a lot of work. Then we jump into January with all the energy and good intentions we can muster. It’s no wonder February finds us dull and feeling doomed. February is the time we need to be deliberate with our thoughts, because it’s easy to have them spiral down into lethargy if not worse. So this month we’re focusing on mindset. Think of it like your mega dose of vitamin C and B12. Remind yourself of truth, reject thoughts that are false, and practice turning to gratitude as your habitual response.
The podcast this month will be all about how to do just that.
So let’s dig in.