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Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 7
Season 1
EP#7: The Art of Retention Force
- Parker has almost finalized the front panel design for the Super Simple Power Supply. Going to have a "VU" meter for how much power it is pulling.
- Parker is also still looking for a proper encoder that is vertical mounted but is also thin enough to squeeze between the PCB and the aluminum front panel.
- Next week Stephen and Parker will do a "live" discussion on how the Analog and Digital side of the SSPS will mesh.
- Stephen is working on a Ultimate Pogo Pin Showdown article for the blog. He will be testing lots of different kinds of pogo pins with a wide assortment of tests.
- Parker is working on getting an enclosure for the FX Dev board completed and Stephen has REV 2 of the PCB being made.
- MacroFab now supports ODB++ format. Most big EDA tools support this format.
- No Eagle ULP for ODB++ format?
- Article on the EEWeb about "Why to like USB 3.1". Parker thinks the article is total click bait.
- Stephen thinks its USB 3.1 is not backwards compatible if you have to use an adapter.
- Any reason to still use through hole over surface mount today? Through hole is the way to go for connectors and human interfaces. Basically anything that needs retention force should be through hole.
- Parker has hacked his Sony wireless headphones to use a 18650 battery after he ripped off the mini USB connector several times. See Figure 1.
- Stephen recommends the Art of Electronics. Parker has never read it and is going to borrow Stephen's copy.
- Parker recommends EMC for Product Designers. It is a good book for learning how to design better PCBs and devices.