GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 163
Season 11
Living Water - John's Witness
John's Witness
Living Water (John 4:1-10)
The Pharisees learned that Jesus was baptizing and creating more disciples than John the Baptist. However, the writer clarified that Jesus' disciples baptized others and not Him. They appeared to be interested in this information and may have been worried about the public's increasing interest in Jesus and his teachings. It's also possible that they were concerned about Jesus because they saw him as a potential danger to their religious authority. Jesus chose to leave Judea and go to Galilee to avoid potential conflict with the Pharisees. This choice was made out of prudence and wisdom. Jesus was aware that his mission was far from complete and that it was still premature for him to openly confront the Pharisees.
Sermon Notes: https://www.gcfnaga.com/living-water