On Water: The Session Mag Podcast
Episode 18
Season 1
Will Skudin Talks Story about Surfing Mavericks the Day it Went Down in History (again) as the Biggest Day in Decades.
New York big wave surfer Will Skudin recaptures the mayhem of tow surfing into a recent massive swell at Mavericks in this week’s episode of On Water. Skudin goes down hard under the lip in a smackdown on his second wave that day, which has already proven itself to be one of the biggest in recent history. The images of this wipeout are surreal. Will’s resilient attitude about getting back on the ski to whip his partner - Nic VanRupp - into additional waves that day is motivational. Skudin’s passion for surfing “from 2-foot faces at Maria’s to 60-foot faces at Maverick’s” is on full display in this week’s podcast. What’s next for Will Skudin? Listen UP to find out.