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Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 3
Season 4
#4.3 - Stop Having Fun Without Me!
How to be happy when my spouse is doing something fun without me????
“Jealousy in romance is like salt in food. A little can enhance the savor, but too much can spoil the pleasure and, under certain circumstances, can be life-threatening.”
- Paige recently went on a girl’s trip. She has been doing it for 18 years. Darren wasn't always excited about it. Why?
- Darren goes out to dinner with co-workers. Is Paige jealous?
- How can we be happy for our spouses when they have fun without you in a hobby or with friends?
Check out the video:
Learn to trust and communicate with your partner.
Mostly insecurities keep us from completely trusting our spouse and being happy that they are so glad.
Communicate how you feel and why you are struggling with these insecure feelings. If they think you are spending too much time away from them, come to a compromise.
Make friends or get hobbies of your own, that makes you happy.
Don’t just sit around feeling sorry for yourself that you aren’t with them. Find your hobbies or friends. If only one of you has friends they do things with, or one of you has hobbies that can be unbalanced. Figure out what you like.
Stop being selfish and be there for your spouse; show interest.
If your partner is into car racing and you have no interest, give it a shot. Be interested in what they are interested in. It doesn't mean you have to lose yourself and be a puppet for your spouse; it means you take an interest in them and their hobbies. They can still do this without you, but if they know they can talk to you about what makes them happy, you will be become much closer and maybe even learn to love what they love.
Find fun things to do with your spouse.
After a trip or a fun activity without your spouse, find something fun to do with them. Seeking enjoyment in marriage is vital to building a solid relationship. Do not come home and say, “I just had a great time, why don’t we do something fun!.” That can set your spouse off. Instead, have an idea of a fun activity and suggest it.
Lemonade Moment of the Week
After years of practicing piano, cello, and singing, Jacob shows us his true talent.