Orchard People
Episode 55
Season 1
Cover Crops and Fruit Trees
What are the benefits and the disadvantages of planting cover crops around fruit trees? Can cover crops on an orchard floor help prevent fruit trees from climate change? Those are just a few of the questions discussed in this episode of The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast with expert guest
Christina Curell, Cover Crop and Soil Health Educator at Michigan State University.
Christina also talks about how to choose a cover crop that will suit your unique fruit tree growing conditions and how to use cover crops to prepare the soil for planting. She outlines the possible disadvantages of choosing the wrong cover crops for your fruit trees as some can attract insect pests and divert energy away from your trees.
Learn all about cover crops
in this article.
The prize for this month's contest was the book
Natural Gardening for Birds.
The host of
The Urban Forestry Radio Show and Podcast is Susan Poizner of the fruit tree care education website
www.orchardpeople.com. Tune into The Urban Forestry Radio Show LIVE by going to
RealityRadio101.com on the last Tuesday of every month at 1.00 pm Eastern Time.
Learn to grow organic fruit trees successfully. Sign up for OrchardPeople.com's premium online courses at