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Episode 1235
Season 1
Wednesday of the Twelfth Week After Pentecost
August 14, 2024
Today's Reading: 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
Daily Lectionary: 2 Samuel 1:1-27; 1 Corinthians 7:25-40
I say this for your own benefit, not to lay any restraint upon you, but to promote good order and to secure your undivided devotion to the Lord. (1 Corinthians 7:35)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
We sinners become easily distracted. We think we can multitask, but usually, we end up starting too many projects and finishing too few of them (or we complete them, but they are not done well). This spills over into our vocational roles, too. We are excited about a new job/home/relationship and fixate. We replace the time we have to receive Jesus with work or effort for something else. Vocational roles are Gifts, but we sinners tend to create idols out of Gifts.
Paul is teaching the Corinthians (and us) that we should not replace God with anything or anyone. The First Commandment reminds us that there is only One True God, and we are to worship Him only. Paul is pointing back to God and teaching that vocations are good, but they are not God. Being a husband, a wife, or remaining single— are all good roles to fulfill. But none of them redeem you or save you.
Our identity is in our Baptism. We are washed in Jesus’ Blood and given a new life; we are holy, redeemed, and part of God’s family. Our identity defines us now and into eternity. We get to love and serve specific neighbors in our lives. Think about those around you: parents, siblings, spouses, friends, teachers, classmates, etc. It is good to love and care for those around you. But we sinners need the reminder that God is first, and He is the Good and Right Recipient of our love and devotion. And it is only from His love that we can even begin to know how to love and care for those other neighbors.
Boundaries and vocational roles are good Gifts from a Gracious God. Rejoice that you have God’s love and mercy and are claimed as His Child. Share His love with those around you and continually remember that God is God, Gifts are Gifts. When you make the Gifts your god, repent. Come to the Divine Service and receive Jesus’ Body and Blood. Hear the Gospel. Remember your Baptism. Then, go back to your neighbors - those Gifts - and tell them about God and His love for them.
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
So use it well! You are made new – In Christ a new creation! As faithful Christians, live and do Within your own vocation, Until that day when you possess His glorious robe of righteousness Bestowed on you forever! (LSB 596:6)
-Deac. Sarah Longmire, Bible study editor for Higher Things.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, Ky.
The Lutheran Confessions play a vital role in the church—both centuries ago, and today. But, do they apply to the daily life of a layperson? Pastor Andy Wright offers a resounding “yes” in his book, Faithfully Formed. He quotes, summarizes, and synthesizes key teachings from the Confessions, revealing their relevance in the daily lives of ordinary people.