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Episode 814
Season 1
Thursday the Third Week of Pentecost
June 22, 2023
Today's Reading: John 11:1-16
Daily Lectionary:Ecclesiastes 12:1-14, John 11:1-16
Jesus answered, “Are there not twelve hours in the day? If anyone walks in the day, he does not stumble, because he sees the light of this world. But if anyone walks in the night, he stumbles, because the light is not in him.” (John 11:9-10)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Do me a favor: re-read John 11:1-16–pay special attention to each of the extra details that St. John includes about the situation. Jesus’ friend Lazarus was sick. We learn a few extra details about Mary and Martha—and that Jesus loved their family. He knew what was going on—He knew what He was going to do for Lazarus. They stayed a few extra days where they were—Jesus wasn’t in a rush. When Jesus told the disciples it was time to go to them, a few of them questioned the wisdom of a return back into the heart of Judaism where the leaders were seeking Jesus’ life. But then, the very same Jesus who called himself the “Light of the World” (John 1:4-5, 9, 8:12, 9:5), offered a comforting commentary on just what that light in the world means.
Where Jesus is, there is light, and where there is the light of Christ, the fear of stumbling into death flees like darkness when the lights come on. Next, Jesus tells the disciples exactly what’s going to happen—that Lazarus had fallen asleep (the same term used by the early church to describe the death of a Christian), but that Jesus was going to wake him up again. Even though the disciples had witnessed other miracles of this nature, they didn’t get it. I’ve always scratched my head about Thomas’ response to this whole situation… “Let us also go, that we may die with him.” What did he mean by that? Is it out of concern based on the other disciples’ fears about returning to Judea? Is he feeling particularly brave and ready to charge into Judea, no matter what’s waiting? Maybe he still thinks Jesus is talking in a figure of speech? Maybe we can’t figure out what Thomas meant, what was in his head…But what’s important for us to see is the Light himself. We see His willingness to go to Mary, Martha, Lazarus—and ultimately to the cross and empty tomb. His light still shines today. You see it when you hear the sweet words of the Gospel, when your pastor pronounces God’s verdict concerning your sin: FORGIVEN! In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
O wondrous type! O vision fair of glory that the Church may share, Which Christ upon the mountain shows, where brighter than the sun He glows! And faithful hearts are raised on high by this great vision’s mystery, for which in joyful strains we raise the voice of prayer, the hymn of praise. (LSB 413:1,4)
-Pastor Dustin Beck is Pastor at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, Warda Texas.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Jonathan Lackey is an LCMS seminarian.
Study Christ's words on the cross to see how you can show more Christlike grace in your life. Perfect for group or individual study, each chapter has a Q&A at the end, and the back of the book includes a leader guide. Available now from Concordia Publishing House.