Episode 78
Season 1
How to bring main character energy to your life
Today we're talking about what it takes to live your life as the main character or protagonist. Our guest is Nadia Ullah Morin, of Texas, who shares her journey practicing Buddhism after an unexpected series of events took her off the life path she had envisioned for herself. Through consistently chanting Nam-myoho-renge-kyo, she found the courage to create a new path for herself.
1:10 How Nadia encountered Buddhism
3:50 Why it felt hard for her to continue practicing
12:26 How becoming a young mom impacted her life and self-worth
14:12 What drove her to begin chanting consistently
20:28 The role the Buddhist community played in her life
24:08 The turning point that transformed her marriage
37:00 How she came to love her life
39:54 Living life as the main character
45:27 Her favorite Buddhist concept
49:52 Why community is so important
52:41 Advice for anyone who feels like they’ve lost their way