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Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 14
Season 1
Podcast 1:14 Sandwiches (Mustard/Mayo) - Making kids feel special in a Large Family

Treat each kid uniquely
- Lunches. Darren made everyone the same thing. Paige asked the kids what they liked.
- You need to find out what they like and don't like.
- Sometimes a mall food court is the best option to take the family out.
- Give kids the opportunity to choose dinner.
- Discipline is different for each kid.
- The rules are the same but our reaction and discipline are different for each kid.
- The goal is to help the individual kid and keep some peace and tranquility in the house.
Go One-on-One
- Sam gets a lot of one on one time.
- The other kids not as much. We want all of the kids together.
- We have had opportunities to be one one one. (Field Trips, trip to the grocery store, etc..)
- Date night with their kids
- Individual spontaneous time is just as good as a fully planned out activity.
- 12-year-old trip with Dad.
- Individual trip when kids are adults - We try and make the opportunity when we can.
- Cook dinner with one of the kids on Thursday nights.
- Watch a show together.
- How do you teach to share when you want your kids to be individuals in a blended family.
Be a Team
- Make sure that each member knows that they are part of a team.
- Individualism is important but not at the cost of the family.
- Kids can be so unique or individualized that they do not see themselves as part of the family.
- Examples on being a team
- Cleaning the kitchen, the back yard, clean out the car.
- Everyone has a unique role that they play. Make sure they feel like they are part of a team and not just an individual.
- Sometimes it is too bad that the kids don't like doing something. They are part of the family.
- The kids might be resentful at first but in the end, they are grateful.
Don't Play Favorites
- We joke about this a lot.
- Every day, our favorite changes depending on what they are bringing to the family.
- Family gifts or souvenirs from travels. The kids notice who is getting what.
- Equity and uniqueness are key.
- Make sure you don't just peanut butter everyone with the same thing.
- Most meaningful is individualized.
- Christmas ornaments. (Grandma's give the same, parents try to be unique)
- Funny moment of the Week
Madeline trying to mimic one of the acts on America's got Talent (Courtney Hadwin). Nothing like your 14-year-old daughter trying to sing a classic rock song she has never heard.