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Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 249
Season 1
MEP EP#249: How Soft Are Your Diodes?
MEP EP#249: How Soft Are Your Diodes?
- Signed up for the EXTRA LIFE charity this year to raise money for the Texas Children's Hospital
- This Saturday (Nov 7th) Parker will be broadcasting a 24 hour video game stream
- Will be playing the Half-Life 2 video game all the way through
- This includes the two episode expansions to the base campaign
- Difficulty level will be set to 'Hard' and I will be attempting to unlock all the achievements at the same time.
- Donations are tax-deductible and 100% of it goes to the hospital
- Learning some javascript to build plugins for the stream
- PinoTaur REV3 has gone gold
- Added more current sensing
- Low Current Allegro ACS70331EESATR-005B3
- High Current Allegro ACS711KEXLT-15AB-T
- Changed Relay to a socketed relay type
- ISO micro relays type
- On PCB flyback diodes for coils
- MRA4004
- Relay is driven by both the MCU and the Fault pin on the high current sensing IC
- Added more current sensing
- Walmart fires store robots
- Saw improvements in inventory control with the robots, but not enough of an improvement in revenues and other measures.
- One premise is that stores will sell more goods if the shelves are stocked and wanted items are made available
- How soft are your diodes?
- Softness factor - a definition of the reverse current characteristic
- Ta = time when charge from depletion region is removed
- Tb = time when charge from semiconductor region is removed
- S-factor = tb/ta
- S-factor = unity = soft recovery
- S-factor unity = fast or snappy-recovery
- General purpose/fast recovery (FRED diodes)
- The SSPS?
- @zane is going back and listening to episode 1
- What was the SSPS?
- What were the specifications????
- Where did we leave off