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Cleverly Changing Podcast
Episode 53
Season 1
Homeschooling Creatively | Lesson 53
What happens when a family of educators decide to homeschool? In this episode we sat down with two educators, a mom and dad who are working from home and are educating their son and daughter. As you can imagine, they faced some obstacles, but what really stands out is how they found ways to homeschool creatively. Tune in and be sure to tweet us (@CleverlyChangin) your favorite takeaway from this episode.
The African proverb for this week's podcast is: (1:30)
The African proverb for this week's podcast is: (1:30)
“No shortcuts exist to the top of a palm tree.” - African Proverb
Word of the Episode ( 1:53)
"Amul solo!" means please in wolof a language found in Senegal and The Gambia.
The Grown Folks Section: (3:08)
The Futrell family came to our show and shared their amazing homeschool moments with us. Michael Futrell, is the dad and a former teacher and Dr. Bernadine Futrell is an early childhood educator. They spoke to use candidly about making their new normal work despite the global pandemic the world is facing.
Favorite quote from the episode: "Take everything as a moment to make an impact in their life . . . It's being present and intentional when you have that time." - Dr. Bernadine Futrell
Connect with the Futrell Family and show your support:
🗽 Michael Futrell, former Virginia House Delegate, co-founder Make the Future
🗽 Dr. Bernadine Futrell, author, early childhood educator, and co-founder Make the Future
🗽 Melanie Futrell, 6 years old and HomeSchool Vice President-elect
🗽 Michael Futrell II, 8 years old and HomeSchool President-elect
About Make The Future
Connect with the Futrell Family and show your support:
🗽 Michael Futrell, former Virginia House Delegate, co-founder Make the Future
🗽 Dr. Bernadine Futrell, author, early childhood educator, and co-founder Make the Future
🗽 Melanie Futrell, 6 years old and HomeSchool Vice President-elect
🗽 Michael Futrell II, 8 years old and HomeSchool President-elect
About Make The Future
Make the Future is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization that provides underprivileged and at-risk youth in the Northern Virginia region tools needed to create positive habits from preschool to college. Their programs focus on community development and childhood obesity, with specific interests in serving low income, military, and homeless youth.
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Also, please tell your friends about our podcast. While we love having a conversation with each other, the podcast will only be able to exist if more people are listening. If you know some who has children, our tips and tricks are beneficial to parents who homeschool and those who are interested in supplementing the education of their children.
Furthermore, wherever you are listening to this podcast, please leave us a review.
Lastly, if you want to hear more about homeschooling and how we have managed to make it work, please check out our past episodes.
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