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Cedarville Stories
Episode 20
Season 2
Episode 20 | Steve Norris
Making an arrest in the middle of a bar fight. Running into a burning building. Chasing down a guy with a gun. Sure, Steve Norris is heroic. But would he offer his own blood to arrest COVID-19? The answer: Yes!
Norris, a 2001 criminal justice alumnus who just earned his Master of Ministry degree in May, was diagnosed with COVID-19 this March. After he recovered, he heard about a local cardiologist who needed coronavirus convalescent plasma to help combat the sickness. Norris didn’t hesitate to do his part. While his plasma was not a match for the sick doctor, it was used to serve a different patient. And Norris has since given again.
For Norris, his career as a police officer, firefighter, and EMT is about putting the needs of others ahead of his own. But it’s his faith that informs his public service. For him, contributing plasma to help those most impacted by this deadly pandemic also comes from his desire to reflect the love that Jesus has for him by sharing, even in a small way, that love with others.
With his donation, Steve became one of the first to contribute coronavirus convalescent plasma (CCP) as part of the Community Blood Center’s CCP-collection program.
Steve wasn’t certain about his major during his undergraduate years, but quickly found his passion once he committed to the criminal justice program. Then, 19 years later, he completed his Master of Ministry degree.