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Inspired Living with Autoimmunity
Episode 42
Season 1
Cari Rosno: Cultivating Curiosity to Redefine Our Reality
In today's episode, Cari shares how trapped energy can create illness, and what we can do about it.
Her story is remarkable, and she shares it with us. Cari was a participant in the Boston marathon in 2013, and survived the bombings that day.
For a variety of reasons, she told herself that it wasn't her story to tell… and her health rapidly, and drastically, declined. Cari's healing journey inspired her to leave her corporate work and become a Quantum Healer and Trauma Specialist and she now helps others overcome trauma.
"What if all trauma really is is the witnessing of the frailty of humanity?"!!!
Anytime the foundation we stand upon is shaken, we can experience trauma. This can include watching events on television...we don't need to be there in person.
You can call it a story, and if we don't tell the story, it becomes encapsulated and can lead to illness. The stories are an energy, and need to be released.
Cari is a guide that can help you bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious to release those belief systems that create illness.
You have ultimate power over yourself and can heal!
It is okay to make yourself a priority!
It is ESSENTIAL to make yourself a priority!
You can change your story to create healing. What is it you want to create?
Get curious about why...
Why is this happening?
Why does this keep repeating?
That curiosity is deeply personal, and just for you.
"Huh, isn't that interesting" can shift any situation and shift your perspective.
It is a great habit to create...curiosity!!!
I wonder why...
The ability to trust ourselves needs to be honored and strengthened.
Trust the thoughts that come up...allow ourselves the curiosity...this is the practice.
A constant evolutionary process.
True desire, resilience, and knowing...will get you where you want to go. Even when you don't know the path.
Cari's one step...take that deep breath...get into curiosity...ask..I wonder why... and ALLOW the answer to come up. From the body...not your mind...
Click here for the Full Show Notes
Her story is remarkable, and she shares it with us. Cari was a participant in the Boston marathon in 2013, and survived the bombings that day.
For a variety of reasons, she told herself that it wasn't her story to tell… and her health rapidly, and drastically, declined. Cari's healing journey inspired her to leave her corporate work and become a Quantum Healer and Trauma Specialist and she now helps others overcome trauma.
"What if all trauma really is is the witnessing of the frailty of humanity?"!!!
Anytime the foundation we stand upon is shaken, we can experience trauma. This can include watching events on television...we don't need to be there in person.
You can call it a story, and if we don't tell the story, it becomes encapsulated and can lead to illness. The stories are an energy, and need to be released.
Cari is a guide that can help you bridge the gap between the conscious and subconscious to release those belief systems that create illness.
You have ultimate power over yourself and can heal!
It is okay to make yourself a priority!
It is ESSENTIAL to make yourself a priority!
You can change your story to create healing. What is it you want to create?
Get curious about why...
Why is this happening?
Why does this keep repeating?
That curiosity is deeply personal, and just for you.
"Huh, isn't that interesting" can shift any situation and shift your perspective.
It is a great habit to create...curiosity!!!
I wonder why...
The ability to trust ourselves needs to be honored and strengthened.
Trust the thoughts that come up...allow ourselves the curiosity...this is the practice.
A constant evolutionary process.
True desire, resilience, and knowing...will get you where you want to go. Even when you don't know the path.
Cari's one step...take that deep breath...get into curiosity...ask..I wonder why... and ALLOW the answer to come up. From the body...not your mind...
Click here for the Full Show Notes