Camano Voice
Episode 64
Season 1
#64: Andy & Bonnie Swanson - Owners of Cat's Paws Bees Pt 2
Links to Things Mentioned in this Episode:
Key Points of Interest:
- How does Andy deal with the mites?
- Hear the story of how the varroa mites arrived here.
- How does Andy view honey bees vs pollinating bees?
- What does he believe the future of bees will be?
- Does Andy believe the wireless signals affect the bees?
- Hear why Bonnie deals with the books, packaging, and customer service side, and WON’T touch the bees!
- Why did decide to go the wholesale route?
- When did they decide to turn this into a business?
- How many pounds of honey does Andy average per hive?
- What are some of the benefits of local honey?
Camano Island Locations Mentioned in this Episode: