Sustainability Unwrapped
Episode 14
Season 1
From the economy of work to the care economy
What would the world look like if women and men shared care equally?
How do families and their situations sometimes ‘fall between two stools’ when they don’t fit the ‘norm’? And how can their situation be addressed and improved?
The social relations of care, home and work constitute very fundamental aspects of gender relations in society. Globally many economic, social, and political discriminations and inequalities are founded upon inequalities around gender, care, and work.
”From the economy of work to the care economy” discusses the deeply rooted divisions of paid and unpaid work and its effects, such as the gendered and aged phenomenon around social sustainability.
Episode is moderated by Charlotta Niemistö, GODESS institute Director at Hanken School of Economics, with guests Jeff Hearn Professor Emeritus and Research Director at GODESS Institute, Hanken School of Economics, Nikki van der Gaag, an independent gender consultant and Senior Fellow from Instituto Promundo and Anna Moring from Monimuotoiset perheet(Diverse families).