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The Endurance Coaching Business Podcast
Episode 9
Season 1
The 6 Figure Endurance Coaching Business Framework
Grow Your Endurance Coaching Biz the Right Way 🚀
I just wanted to share something I think could be super helpful for growing your endurance coaching business without getting stuck at a revenue plateau.
I just wanted to share something I think could be super helpful for growing your endurance coaching business without getting stuck at a revenue plateau.
I often write about the business models and products required for long term growth, but I’ve never really explained in detail how these products could practically make up your total annual revenue, and how that could change and grow overtime.
So with that in mind I created a cool revenue calculator and I wrote a new blog post about a framework that can help you reach the first $100k in revenue and keep growing long-term. It's not about any quick wins or gimmicks - just a solid, practical approach.
In the blog, I chat about three main products you should consider for your coaching biz:
- One-on-One Customized Coaching
- Group Coaching Programs
- Evergreen Coaching Programs
I also walk you through how to add these products to your business and show how they can boost your revenue over time. Oh, and there's the interactive calculator I created for you to play around with your own revenue numbers based on the framework.
You can give the blog post a read here. I hope you find it useful and it helps you build an even stronger endurance coaching business!
You can read the full blog here and try out the Endurance Coaching Business Revenue Calculator
You can read the full blog here and try out the Endurance Coaching Business Revenue Calculator
Training Tilt is an all in one coaching and e-commerce platform that helps coaches get better results for the clients and their businesses. You can learn more about Training Tilt here
Thanks to Jill Coleman of JillFit for the inspiration for this episode. Jill helps health and wellness entrepreneurs with online business.