Interior Integration for Catholics
Episode 13
Season 1
13 Bodyset: Loving and Reverencing Our Bodies – With Dr. Andrew Sodergren
Episode 13: Bodyset: Loving and Reverencing Our Bodies – With Dr. Andrew Sodergren
John Paul II, in Theology of the Body. The body is the sacrament of the person – there is a certain sacramentality of the body. A sacrament makes something present, manifest in a concrete way. The Body reveals the personhood.
The body is essential for human beings in order to relate. The body is essential for prayer.
Some heresies devalue the body (e.g. Manicheanism).
God in his infinite holiness took on our human flesh. This elevated the dignity of the human body.
Our bodies are designed for a sacred purpose, like the sacred vessels for the liturgy. Like we care for the sacred vessels, we need to care for our bodies.
The way we dress can adorn the body or debase the body.
It is valuable to reflect on how I have fallen short of honoring my body and those of others.