Weird TV
Episode 5
Season 1
Small Wonder
VICI's a Small Wonder!
This show’s about a robot who looks like a little girl. Ted Lawson stole her from his work since his bosses were such big jerks. He’s got some nosy neighbors. Now his family has a secret. Hide and lie to protect inventions. Secrecy increases tension. A family sci-fi sitcom by the numbers. She’s not like other girls… She’s a Small Wonder.
Open 0:00
- My Dog Vicky 00:28
What The Hell is Small Wonder? 2:15
- Dramaturgy 2:21
-- "We've Got A Secret" Sitcoms 3:03
-- What Happened To Tiffany & Jerry? 6:00
- Inspirations 8:00
-- My Living Doll 8:03
- Intended Audience 9:18
- How It Was Received 9:50
How Well Was It Done? 11:56
- Is Ted Lawson A Moral Character? 12:12
- Too Hot For Syndicated TV 14:24
- Trapped In The Cabinet 16:07
- Too Old For His Age 17:23
- The Cover Story 18:36
- The Technology 19:45
Was It Worth Doing? 22:26
Bits and Baubles 24:55
Listener Feedback 27:32