Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 88
Season 1
EP#88: TLDR; Life
- Stephen
- iSpindel - First time on the MEP: Introduce a tropic and finish it in 2 episodes!
- Parker
- Next Jeep Project: Factory Cruise Control RetroFit
- Currently missing the wiring to go to the PCM (Power Control Module) of the Jeep
- Buy a used harness for connector pins and modify the current harness
- PinHeck REV8 EOTL Update
- Inner layers are 0.5oz copper. Watch out for that.
- RPI3 CM will have its own power rails to keep the power clean
- Rapid Fire Opinion (RFO)
Tips: electronics podcast, iSpindel, Jeep Cruise, Koozie is a TM, MacroFab, macrofab engineering podcast, MEP, NT3H1101, PCB business cards, PinHeck, Podcast, SUPER BOOST