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Superhero Ethics
Episode 155
Season 1
Loki Part 2: Ethical Variants
Was the death of He Who Remains a necessity? Did Loki fall short in representing the queer community? And just how did "Thank you Daddy Disney" and "Schrödinger's Kang" become part of our conversation? Paul Hoppe and Fox Kaye return to ponder these questions and more in our latest deep dive into the ethical quandaries of the Loki series.
This episode is a production of Superhero Ethics, a The Ethical Panda Podcast and part of the TruStory FM Entertainment Podcast Network. Check our our website to find out more about this and our sister podcast Star Wars Generations.
This episode is a production of Superhero Ethics, a The Ethical Panda Podcast and part of the TruStory FM Entertainment Podcast Network. Check our our website to find out more about this and our sister podcast Star Wars Generations.
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