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Humans of RBTL
Episode 6
Season 1
#6 - From Human Doing Supporting Others to Human Being Sharing Herself - with Vicky Lee
Growing up as the oldest in a single-parent household, Vicky’s caretaker instincts often show up strongly to support others’ needs and to provide safe spaces for others to feel heard. Though there was a longing for deepening relationships, Vicky’s focus on others’ shares and her guilt in taking up space would miss opportunities for her to disclose and invite others in to get to know her more. Tune in as Vicky shares her ever-evolving journey of experiencing her emotions (even the heavier ones), communicating her needs, setting boundaries, showing up congruently in real-time, and co-creating her experience of building relationships all by finding a community that honors her pace and gently holds her messiness in practice.
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1:02 Vicky’s Roles: A Human Being, Friend, Daughter, Older Sister in a First Generation Low Income Single Parent Household, Partner, Lover, Experience Designer
2:31 How Vicky and Steph met
4:27 What drew Vicky to RBTL
5:44 How Vicky’s relationships were before RBTL
9:01 How Vicky moved through the feeling of guilt in taking up space
15:38 How Vicky’s relationship with his brother changed since RBTL
20:37 The big change in Vicky’s relationship with her partner
26:57 Vicky’s gratitude towards Steph and the RBTL Team
28:47 Vicky’s takeaway and advice to people still on the journey of improving their communication skills and interpersonal dynamics