In this special surprise episode of Rhythm Encounter, we are joined by musician and actor Joe Zieja! RPG fans may know Joe from a multitude of roles, especially for his work in
Fire Emblem: Three Houses as Claude, leader of the Golden Deer house. Recently, we posted
an article about Joe's musical
Kickstarter project, in which he plans to reimagine a portion of the
Three Houses soundtrack in saxophone quartet fashion. Oh, and he is playing all four saxophones.
We invited Joe on the show to dish on the campaign, and we talked about his life as a musician, actor, and writer, to sandwiches, Transformers, the military... well, let's just say we had a lot to talk about!
Featuring: Mike Salbato, Stephanie Sybydlo, Niki Fakhoori as Niki Fakhoori, Niki Fakhoori as Quinton O'Connor, with special guest Joe Zieja; Edited by Mike Salbato