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The Talking Silkworm Podcast
Episode 4
Season 1
How to Improve Your Speaking Skills to Make Your Podcast Sound Great, with Lauren Sergy
One very common concern we podcasters have is the way we speak. And this is what my guest Lauren Sergy, owner of Up Front Communication, and I will be sharing with you today. Lauren is public speaking and communication expert who helps transform leaders and professionals into the speakers and communicators they want to be. We tackled strategies and tips on becoming comfortable on the mic, working on reducing filler words, the importance of silence, having conversational episodes, and keeping solo episodes engaging and entertaining. Lauren answered practically every common issue that podcasters and interviewees have. So I’m very excited to share this conversation with you to help you improve your speaking skills and make your show sound great!
In this episode you’ll learn:
- Strategies for becoming comfortable on the mic.
- Why it’s natural to feel nervous and how to embrace it as part of the process.
- Definition and examples of filler words.
- The importance and meaning of silence.
- Exercises and strategies you can implement to start reducing your use of filler words.
- Tips to practice and do before recording your episode.
- Work around when you forget what you need to say.
- How to make your episode feel more like a conversation versus a question and answer robotic interview.
- Keeping solo episodes engaging and entertaining.
- Lauren’s new book, Unmute.