GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 93
Season 11
God’s Word: Guard, Seek, and Store - Core Values Part 1.2
Core Values - Part 1.2
God’s Word: Guard, Seek, and Store (Psalms 119:9-11)
Psalm 119 is the longest psalm with 176 verses separated into 22 stanzas, representing the Hebrew alphabet. Each of the stanzas is composed of 8 verses. Each verse in a stanza begins with the same alphabet. It is a very structured and poetic psalm. The theme of the psalm is the Word of God. In the second stanza, the Psalmist explains the importance of guarding life, seeking the Lord with the whole heart, and treasuring God’s word.
Sermon Notes: https://www.gcfnaga.com/core-values-part-1-2-english