BeCause Radio
Episode 16
Season 1
Making a positive difference for child abuse victims
- 2:06 - Foundation Feature (Children, Youth and Families): Snowflake Place makes a positive difference for children and youth who are victims of abuse.
- 11:12 - Folklorama celebrates its 50th anniversary and we'll learn about the Egyptian Pavilion, the newest pavilion in this year's festival.
- 20:30 - Road Trip visits the Lundar Museum in Lundar, Manitoba.
- 28:46 - This week’s Winnipeg Impact Makers My Body Fitness and Nutrition, Rising Strong, and Tillie & True spread body positivity at the beach.
- 35:14 - Because & Effect host Nolan Bicknell asks Sonny the seven "Just BeCause" questions. Subscribe for new episodes of BeCause & Effect in the fall.