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Hard to Market
Episode 75
Season 1
Private Podcasting: A New Way to Connect and Monetize with NxtStep Consulting’s Sean Boyce
This episode, Founder of NxtStep Consulting, Sean Boyce, talks about the benefits of private podcasting, how it’s changing the way information is spread and democratized, and the different ways private podcasting can be monetized.
Sean Boyce has run his consultancy firm NxtStep Consulting for over 10 years but found he wasn’t able to grow his network effectively and efficiently through in-person marketing or lead generation services.
To solve this, Sean founded Podcast Chef, a full-service podcast management platform that helped him grow his network while making awesome content at the same time.
Seeing the effectiveness of podcasting at reaching new people, Sean opened it up to others, helping people to start a podcast and delegating the management from post-production to booking guests. Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of The Consulting Trap:
- The unique ways private podcasting can be used to disseminate information.
- The benefits of private podcasting and why it’s more cost-effective.
- How information is becoming democratized.
- How to use private podcasting to improve talent management and HR.
- The ways private podcasting can be monetized.
Connecting with Sean Boyce:
Connecting with the host:
- 2:46 – “One of the powerful aspects of podcasting that I love so much is being able to listen to the content when it's right. For me, everything else is kind of different than that, especially webinars. That's why I'm, I beat up webinars on this topic because I had received plenty of invites for them, especially over the course of the pandemic. It's like I can't wait to listen to that, but I have a meeting then or I can't go for some other reason. And sometimes you might catch a recording, sometimes you don't or whatever, but it all needs to kind of happen all at the same time and it has to happen real time and all that kind of stuff. Logistically that's a lot more complicated. What's great about podcasting is, you know, I, the people that are creating the content can create it when it's convenient for them and the people that wanna consume it can consume it when it's convenient for them."
- 5:45 - “Especially larger organizations, they don't get the ability to hear from a lot of their leaders a whole lot and, but most of them want to to some extent, right? As a better idea for the, for a piece in the machine. You know, what does that, what is that building towards? So to be able to understand that I think is good just for a company culture in general, but education as well, you know, and I used to work at the Vanguard group with the mutual fund giant many years ago. They would do the occasional presentation and they had some of the most impressive economists in the world and the presentations they would perform were just like remarkable in terms of the grander scale of the economies of the world and what the market is doing and all that kind of stuff. Any the leading or trailing indicators, those presentations were phenomenal, but they were fewer and farther in between for a lot of the same reasons I just mentioned, which makes logistically complicated things like webinars difficult to manage. So if instead you could share that information with your entire workforce and they're like tens of thousands strong, you can share a lot of really beneficial information which invests back into your people, helps educate them, helps them understand what it is you're doing as an organization via this mechanism now.”
- 8:03 - “If you think about how else you would get people that engaged in something that detailed to the extent of what might be tens of thousands of people that quickly good luck trying to beat this as a mechanism to distribute that information as effectively as it is, especially given how popular podcasting is. You know, at the moment, smartphones and phones that can run all these, those powerful apps and stuff like that are ubiquitous. So much of the infrastructure like underlying infrastructure is already there. All you need to do is convert your content into this format and then they can get it easily into their hands.”
- 10:40 - “Back 15, 20 years ago, one of the primary strategies for writing a book was write a bunch of blog articles and then staple them together, organize 'em a little bit and call it a book. Podcasting has that same potential, right? When we talk about the ability to get short content snippets in a conversational tone that you can then shuffle and order into collections and process out into multiple different types of content. So the peril that a lot of folks had was they, or the concern they had was, if I publish all these blog articles out on the net, they're gonna be publicly available and somebody's gonna take my good stuff and turn it into a book that's not theirs. With the private podcast, you get the benefit of that sort of connected privacy built in and you know, it's not first published, it's not out there in the real, you know, the rest of the world. And you get to then take that and leverage it any way you see fit to maybe create new content that you can publish publicly or, or monetize in some other way.”
- 11:45 - “Yeah, it could certainly be an easy way for people to get into podcasting that are a little bit more concerned about just releasing information publicly from zero. Right? I'll be one to tell you that for the most part, whatever it is you're working on, you probably need to shout it from the rooftops no matter how good it is in order to get anybody to pay attention. So yeah, yeah, I've got the scar tissue for understanding how hard it is in order to attract people as from an audience perspective to the content you're working on.”
Connect with our host, Brian Mattocks: