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Your Natural Dog with Angela Ardolino - Formerly It's A Dog's Life
Episode 54
Season 1
53. Natural Alternatives to Apoquel for Dogs with Dr. Bob Ulbrich [RE AIR]
Apoquel is one of the most common treatments for allergies in dogs, but it has dangerous side effects with long-term use. In this episode, Dr. Bob Ulbrich explains why Apoquel often does more harm than good, and shares some holistic alternatives to Apoquel for dogs, that can help your pet find relief without suppressing its immune system. Dr. Bob has worked as a Certified Veterinary Homeopath for more than 25 years, and he’s also a certified veterinary chiropractor who’s trained in a wide range of holistic treatment methods.
Episode Recap:
- Is Apoquel safe for dogs? What are the side effects of Apoquel?
- The goal should be to heal your dog’s immune system, not to suppress it
- Diet plays a major role in many dog allergies
- Common signs of an allergic reaction
- What are alternatives to Apoquel for dogs, and how do you detox from it?
- Homeopathic allergy drops can help manage or even cure an allergy
Episode Resources:
- Follow Holistic Pet Vet on Facebook
- Holistic Veterinary Medical Association
- Use code ALLERGY for 15% off CBD Dog Health’s Ease CBD oil for dog allergies
- Have a question about your pet that you want answered on the podcast? Email us at
- Angela Ardolino
- CBD Dog Health
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Note: Like all discount codes, they don't last furever!