Grow & Tell
Episode 3
Season 1
Product-Led Hypergrowth: Pete Prowitt’s sales journey at Intercom and Loom
Pete Prowitt, Head of Revenue at Stytch, shares what it was like to lead sales at Intercom and Loom during hypergrowth, and how he shifted from successful sales rep to revenue leader.
The lines between sales-led and product-led growth are blurring. What used to be two distinct sales motions are now complementary to each other.
In this episode we talk to Pete Prowitt—who’s worked for some of the most successful companies in both sales-led and product-led growth.
We talk about:
- the differences and similarities between sales-led and product-led growth
- what it was like to be at Intercom and Loom during hypergrowth; and
- how he made the shift from successful sales rep to revenue leader
Enjoy the show!