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Episode 1131
Season 1
Friday of the Fifth Week of Easter
May 3, 2024
Today's Reading: Luke 13:18-35
Daily Lectionary: Leviticus 26:1-20, Luke 13:18-35
“Strive to enter through the narrow door. For many, I tell you, will seek to enter and will not be able.” (Luke 13:24)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Years ago, adults were shorter. If you want proof, go to the country of the Netherlands sometime and take a tour of some of the old Dutch windmills. The doorframes between rooms in windmills are so short that no adult except those who are under 5’0 can walk in comfortably.
A Dutch windmill door is a lot easier to enter than the narrow door Jesus speaks of. This is not a physical door, portal, or gateway. This narrow door is the way into eternal salvation on the Last Day. Jesus says many people will seek to enter salvation on the Last Day and won’t be able to. The reason is they seek to enter it by their works, who they are related to, how much money they have, etc. And there’s the problem - no one is good enough by his merits to enter. Being related to someone cool doesn’t grant access. And money? Ha! What does money matter to God who created gold and silver by a mere word?
Only One can enter that narrow gate by His works: our Lord Jesus Christ. It is as if that door is Jesus-shaped, and only He can go through it. As true God and man, Jesus was perfect under the Law. But Jesus did not want to be the only person to be saved eternally and enter that narrow door. So, He also gave up His perfect life to die for your death sentence. Jesus willingly took God’s condemnation against your sins on Himself at His cross. Now He is risen, showing that your sins are paid for completely. Now Jesus lives, showing that all of God’s anger at Your sins has been poured out. Jesus’ resurrection shows there is a doorway through eternal death - and it leads through His grave.
In Holy Baptism, you are joined to Jesus in His death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-6). Your sinful nature drowned in the font, and you rose up to newness of life. Baptism has joined you to Jesus’ body (1 Corinthians 12:13). Baptism gives Gifts of life, rescue, and salvation. Faith gladly receives these Gifts that Baptism gives and continues to give every day. If you are joined to Jesus’ body in your Baptism and trust in His salvation, you are also able to enter through that narrow, Jesus-shaped gate in Him. Joined to Jesus by Baptism and made alive through faith in Him, you also enter with Him into eternal salvation. Not by what you deserve - but by simply trusting the free salvation that is in Jesus. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
A Dutch windmill door is a lot easier to enter than the narrow door Jesus speaks of. This is not a physical door, portal, or gateway. This narrow door is the way into eternal salvation on the Last Day. Jesus says many people will seek to enter salvation on the Last Day and won’t be able to. The reason is they seek to enter it by their works, who they are related to, how much money they have, etc. And there’s the problem - no one is good enough by his merits to enter. Being related to someone cool doesn’t grant access. And money? Ha! What does money matter to God who created gold and silver by a mere word?
Only One can enter that narrow gate by His works: our Lord Jesus Christ. It is as if that door is Jesus-shaped, and only He can go through it. As true God and man, Jesus was perfect under the Law. But Jesus did not want to be the only person to be saved eternally and enter that narrow door. So, He also gave up His perfect life to die for your death sentence. Jesus willingly took God’s condemnation against your sins on Himself at His cross. Now He is risen, showing that your sins are paid for completely. Now Jesus lives, showing that all of God’s anger at Your sins has been poured out. Jesus’ resurrection shows there is a doorway through eternal death - and it leads through His grave.
In Holy Baptism, you are joined to Jesus in His death and resurrection (Romans 6:1-6). Your sinful nature drowned in the font, and you rose up to newness of life. Baptism has joined you to Jesus’ body (1 Corinthians 12:13). Baptism gives Gifts of life, rescue, and salvation. Faith gladly receives these Gifts that Baptism gives and continues to give every day. If you are joined to Jesus’ body in your Baptism and trust in His salvation, you are also able to enter through that narrow, Jesus-shaped gate in Him. Joined to Jesus by Baptism and made alive through faith in Him, you also enter with Him into eternal salvation. Not by what you deserve - but by simply trusting the free salvation that is in Jesus. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Heavenly Father, keep us in the true saving faith, that mindful of Your baptismal grace, we may trust that we are joined to Your Son and enter with Him through the narrow gate into life eternal. Amen.
- Pastor. Robert Mayes is the pastor at Immanuel Lutheran Church and Zion St. John Lutheran Church in Beemer and Wisner, NE.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, Ky.
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