Circuit Break - A MacroFab Podcast
Episode 101
Season 1
EP#101: Playing the New Doom
- Stephen
- DSO138 Oscilloscope
- Comes as a kit (just through hole) but can be purchased assembled
- The "true" version can be had for ~$30
- Counterfeit versions exist for $4
- Open Source Firmware!
- Analog bandwidth: 0 - 200KHz
- Sampling rate: 1Msps max
- Sensitivity: 10mV/Div - 5V/Div
- Sensitivity error: < 5%
- Vertical resolution: 12-bit
- Timebase: 10us/Div - 500s/Div
- Record length: 1024 points
- Built-in 1KHz/3.3V test signal
- Waveform frozen (HOLD) function available Save/recall waveform
- In short - it’ll getcha through college
- Parker
- Pinheck REV 8 is routed
- Finishing silkscreen after the podcast
- Placing an order for prototypes this week!
- Switched from standard SD card to microSD card
- Next board is the I2S Audio Amp
- TAS5755M
- Working with the TAS5755MEVM
- Need to generate a clock for it?
- R.F.O.
- MacroFab Hiring!
Tags: Apple Says Sorry, donut transformers, DSO138, eagle autodesk, electronics podcast, MacroFab, macrofab engineering podcast, MC1466, MCU Pullups, MEP, miller capacitance, PinHeck REV8, Podcast, pull-up resistors, TAS5755M