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Fire Within Nutrition and Fitness
Episode 30
Season 1
Alpha-Stim - Replace pills with electricity?
Alpha-Stim has been FDA approved for 23 years and Patrick is a rep in Easter Carolina. We talk about the science, the treatments, and commonly asked questions and misconceptions about treating with micro amperage electricity.
The treatment increases your body's production of serotonin and this leads to a zen-like or meditative state that many users say help them maintain focus, sleep better, and subsequently have less pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
Patrick shares some amazing stories of testimonials he has seen from including veterans, and people who suffer from chronic migraines.
Cranial electrotherapy stimulation: How it works
The treatment increases your body's production of serotonin and this leads to a zen-like or meditative state that many users say help them maintain focus, sleep better, and subsequently have less pain, anxiety, depression, and insomnia.
Patrick shares some amazing stories of testimonials he has seen from including veterans, and people who suffer from chronic migraines.
Cranial electrotherapy stimulation: How it works
Your brain naturally has electrical currents. The Alpha-Stim cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) device delivers a natural level of microcurrent, via small clips worn on your earlobes, through the brain to stimulate and modulate specific groups of nerve cells. The microcurrent is tiny, just millionths of an ampere, and so gentle that most people don’t even feel it. The patented Alpha-Stim waveform, application, and protocols result in significant anxiety relief, mood normalization, and better sleep (both in quality and duration).
Treatments take only 20 minutes and you can use Alpha-Stim in the privacy of your own home or take it to work with you. The device is portable and the ear clips are unobtrusive; you’ll look like you’re just listening to music.
The Alpha-Stim electrotherapy device relieves post-traumatic, acute, and chronic pain through painless electrical stimulation delivered via two handheld Smart Probes. It can be used on its own or in conjunction with physical therapy, medication, and other forms of pain management.
Alpha-Stim may seem too good to be true, but volumes of research over multiple decades prove it is a safe and effective therapy.
Do some research and reach out to Patrick if you'd like to try an Alph-Stim or explore this approach.
call (303) 902-2160 or email
Do some research and reach out to Patrick if you'd like to try an Alph-Stim or explore this approach.
call (303) 902-2160 or email