2 Cent Dad Podcast
Episode 2
Season 1
Michael Boyink of Ditching Suburbia on the 2CentDad Podcast
Michael found himself being laid off in the wake of 9/11 and started his own business and started to homeschool his children. He then began to realize that his house was the biggest thing that was holding his family back. That was when they bought an RV and went for a 1 year trip that turned into a 5 year journey (so far…) He shares a unique look into what it is like to be part of the community of families living full time on the road from an RV. His desire is to build communities of families that are purposely living life based on their values and not living according to “formulas”. The philosophy that has driven his path has been intentionality in what he does with his family and not being envious of the path not taken. Some Notable Things Mike’s Tribe of unique families https://ditchingsuburbia.com/ Workbench moment - Live intentionally to avoid ending up somewhere How Mike brings home the bacon Boyink Interactive http://boyink.com/ Train-EE http://www.train-ee.com/ Mike’s Last Word of advice Ask yourself, does the life you are building really align with what you want to do?