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Episode 1064
Season 1
Monday of the Second Week in Lent
February 26, 2024
Today's Reading: Genesis 17:1-7, 15-16
No longer will you be called Abram; your name will be Abraham (Genesis 17:5)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Names are important. They give you identity. And many of you reading this have names that were picked specifically for you. Your parents may have agonized over picking the perfect name, or one with special meaning, or one that would tie you to past generations. Either way, your name makes you, you. Your name also ties you to a group of people, your family. This family that you are somewhat stuck with whether you like it or not. It’s true, our names bring with them a sense of identity. Even more so, God cares about names.
God is in the business of giving people new names. Particularly those people in which He makes a covenant or in more modern terms, an agreement with. Here, we see God give Abraham and Sara new names and with it a promise. They are going to be made into a great nation, and this covenant is one that will be everlasting, it will be eternal. This is not the only instance in which we see God giving someone a new name, Jacob is given the name Israel, Cephas is named Peter, and Saul is renamed Paul. All of them have something in common, they believe the promises of God, and in so doing they are made righteous, they receive what God has to give.
You too have received a new name. In Holy Baptism, God gives you His own name as the sign of the cross is placed upon your forehead and upon your heart, you are marked as one redeemed by Christ. Then, you are given the name of the Holy Trinity, you are baptized in the name of Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. The promises of God are given to you, and you receive them in faith. This means, you become an heir to all the things God has to give you. By receiving His name, you are adopted into the community of saints. By faith you receive forgiveness, life, and salvation. They belong to you in this eternal reality. These promises are for you here and now. So, there you have it, you have been given a new name. It’s what God does, and He does it for you. In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Baptized into your name most holy, O Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, I claim a place, though weak and lowly, among your seed, your chosen host. Buried with Christ and dead to sin, your Spirit now shall live within. (LSB 590:1)
- Pastor Caleb Weight is associate pastor of Peace In Christ Lutheran Church in Hermantown, MN.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, Ky.
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