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Episode 744
Season 1
Thursday The First Week of Easter
April 13, 2023
Today's Reading: Jeremiah 31:1-6
Daily Lectionary: Ex 17:1-16, Heb 11:1-29
At that time, declares the LORD, I will be the God of all the clans of Israel, and they shall be my people.” Jeremiah 31:1
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen. Christ is risen! We live and die by time. Whether getting up in time for school or getting to work on time, we have a clock on our wrists, phones, or computers. Watching time consumes so much of our day. Today Jeremiah says, “At that time…” Jer. 31:1. But what time is he talking about? Is it something in the past, today, or in the future? The answer is “Yes, but only through Jesus’ Resurrection!” During the time of Easter, we tend to focus on Jesus’ victory over death and how that impacts us now and in the future. But what about the past? Jesus’ Resurrection isn’t bound by time or space; it is for all people of all times, for He is the alpha and omega, the beginning and the end. In our reading today, the people of Israel are told that they will be freed from the yoke of their captives, freed from slavery, and restored to the Promised Land. Jeremiah is speaking to the people as they are in exile in the land of Babylon. They have all been separated from the Land, the Holy City, and the Temple. They certainly are wondering what God thinks of them if He is even with them. Jeremiah’s words would have brought them comfort. But Jeremiah’s words are not just for those who lived in the past; they are for us today and in the future. Jesus speaks about this in Luke 24 with His disciples “And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets; He explained to them what was written in all the Scriptures about Himself.” Luke 24:7
Jeremiah speaks of Israel’s restoration today, but this is not just for those of the past; it is for all time! This restoration is understood as a resurrection brought back into the heavenly Jerusalem. But when will this be completed? What is the timeframe of the Messiah? Scripture tells us, “Behold, now is the accepted time; behold, now is the day of salvation” (2 Corinthians 6:2). Christ Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, for all time and into eternity. We do not need to worry about the times of today, yesterday, or in the future. By His Resurrection, Jesus “…has made everything beautiful in its time. He has also set eternity in the human heart, yet no one can fathom what God has done from beginning to end.” Christ is Risen! In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
Take heart, have hope, my spirit, And do not be dismayed; God helps in ev’ry trial And makes you unafraid. Await His time with patience Through darkest hours of night Until the sun you hoped for Delights your eager sight. LSB 754 vs. 3
- Pastor Kent Schaaf is Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Little Rock. AR.
- Pastor Kent Schaaf is Pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Little Rock. AR.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Jonathan Lackey is an LCMS seminarian.
Study Christ's words on the cross to see how you can show more Christlike grace in your life. Perfect for group or individual study, each chapter has a Q&A at the end, and the back of the book includes a leader guide. Available now from Concordia Publishing House.