The Bishop's Wife • The Next Reel
Happy holidays! It’s time for another Christmas movie pick to celebrate, and we’re jumping back to 1947 to talk about Henry Koster’s “The Bishop’s Wife.” Join us — Pete Wright and Andy Nelson — as we dive into this perennial classic starring Cary Grant, Loretta Young and David Niven. We talk about how the film works for us and compare that with what we were expecting, considering neither of us had seen this film before. We chat about the brilliant Niven, the casual and awesome Grant, and the loving Young playing the titular character. We spend some time deliberating on the title itself, and express some confusion about why it’s called what it’s called and how that affected our opinions and expectations of this character. We chat about the release strategy of the movie and how they increased profits by changing its title. And we look at in context of it being a Christmas movie and where it stands for us. It’s a delightful holiday film that has some great light comedy paired with a more serious tone, and we have a great time talking about it. Tune in!
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