The Antietam and Beyond Podcast
Episode 5
Season 1
Antietam guide Jim Buchanan, 'The Mayor of The West Woods'
In Episode 5 of "The Antietam and Beyond Podcast," Antietam battlefield guide Jim Buchanan — “The Mayor Of The West Woods” — discusses with co-hosts Tom McMillan and John Banks this important section of the battlefield where fighting raged on the morning of Sept. 17, 1862. You'll hear mentions of generals John Sedgwick and Robert E. Lee as well as stories about common soldiers who fought in the West Woods. You'll also hear about the epic "Wounded Lion" monument, "mystery" figures in the West Woods and the muddy boots on the cover of John's latest book. Buchanan has blogged about the West Woods for years.
Check out his Walking The West Woods blog. The podcast is sponsored by Civil War Trails, which since 1994 has connected visitors with small towns and big stories across a network that now spans six states.
Join McMillan and Banks for regular podcasts about Antietam, the Maryland Campaign and the Civil War — the most compelling period in American history.
McMillan is author of the recently released
Our Flag Was Still There. Banks is author of the recently released
A Civil War Road Trip Of A Lifetime. Find them on Facebook at
Author Tom McMillan and
John Banks' Civil War Blog. Banks' popular Civil War
blog is here.