The CIO Evolution
Episode 24
Season 3
Fed CISO: Securing critical infrastructure a group project that involves everyone
Leading authorities discuss critical infrastructure, exploring broad and pressing matters, including:
- Ongoing approaches to cybersecurity and cyber defense and status of ‘whole of state’
- How the critical infrastructure industry should collaborate with the government
- Information sharing between private and public entities for threat intelligence, risk assessments, tabletop exercises, and incident response
- The progress and the gaps across city, county, and state levels to pool resources to stay ahead
- How to build a diverse, inclusive cyber workforce
Recorded live, this engaging panel moderated by Kavitha Mariappan, Zscaler EVP, Customer Experience & Transformation at Zscaler, includes Chris DeRusha, Federal CISO & Deputy National Cyber Director, and David Cagigal, former CIO of State of Wisconsin & CXO REvolutionary.