Families Fly Free
Episode 21
Season 1
21 | Everything You Need to Know About Hiking With Mallory Moskowitz of Your Adventure Coach
Mallory Moskowitz, an expert on hiking who runs YourAdventureCoach.com, joins us to share her top tips from beginner hiking to hiking with kids to must-have equipment for your National Park hikes and beyond.
Download Mallory's Day Hiking Gear Checklist and other resources at:
http://www.youradventurecoach.com/resources/Become a member of Families Fly Free and not only learn Lyn's process to ALWAYS fly your family free, but get access to National Park itineraries and videos on how to fly AND stay free at National Parks, as well as what to do at the most popular National Parks below:
FamiliesFlyFree.com/joinDownload our FREE list of 7 INSIDER hacks Lyn uses to fly her family free: