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Episode 1242
Season 1
Wednesday of the Thirteenth Week After Pentecost
August 21, 2024
Today's Reading: 1 Corinthians 12:14-31
Daily Lectionary: 1 Kings 1:1-4, 15-35; 1 Corinthians 12:14-31
But as it is, God arranged the members in the body, each one of them, as he chose. If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. (1 Corinthians 12:18-20)
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
This is such a profound statement that Paul, inspired by the Holy Spirit, writes. God, in His perfect wisdom, arranged all the members of the body. He put together the human body with perfect care, intentionality, and purpose. In context, these words describe the Body of Christ– the Church. Again, the profoundness is amazing! God created every single person with intentionality, purpose, and care. He gifted each person with their abilities, opportunities, skills, and strengths. This is awe-inspiring! You are you– created uniquely and special. And yet, well, why does my sinful nature chafe at this…?
In our sin, we despair at being unique or different. In our sin, we really would rather be the foot instead of the elbow. In our sin, we would rather be ‘important’ instead of merely attached. In our sin, we would rather be ‘that person’ and not ourselves. Sinners are constantly comparing, competing, minimizing, or attempting to be ‘better’ by our own merit. We struggle against the boundaries of who we are. We are sure that if we could just be fill-in-the-blank (faster, thinner, taller, smarter…), we would be fill-in-the-blank (enough, happier, content, accepted). ‘If only we could…’ is how we think. Lord have mercy.
Today, rejoice in your Baptism– that you are clothed with Jesus. Remember that you were created with a purpose and have been given Gifts that God chose for you. Look at your neighbor with admiration and wonder: God gifted them differently, and how amazing is that! Consider the settings in which you have been placed– your vocations. Are you a sibling? Spouse? Parent? Student? Teacher? Friend? Thanks be to God! You were created, chosen, redeemed, and mercied by a Loving and Faithful God. You are clothed in Jesus, redeemed by His Blood, and have been given life. Your life is uniquely yours. The abilities and talents you have are meant to show care and love to the neighbors you have been given. Most of all, remember and rejoice that you are part of God’s Family. You belong in the Body of Christ. You are connected to Jesus. The Old Adam that you drag around with you is going to keep wanting to compare and despair. But remember, even in those moments, the Truth is that you are loved, forgiven, and intentionally created by your Heavenly Father, Who did not spare His perfect Son but sacrificed Him for you.
In the Name + of Jesus. Amen.
The gifts Christ freely gives He gives to you and me To be His Church, His bride, His chosen, saved and free! Saints blest with these rich gifts Are children who proclaim That they were won by Christ And cling to His strong name. (LSB 602:1).
-Deac. Sarah Longmire, Bible study editor for Higher Things.
Audio Reflections Speaker: Pastor Jonathan Lackey is the pastor at Grace Lutheran Church, Vine Grove, Ky.
The Lutheran Confessions play a vital role in the church—both centuries ago, and today. But, do they apply to the daily life of a layperson? Pastor Andy Wright offers a resounding “yes” in his book, Faithfully Formed. He quotes, summarizes, and synthesizes key teachings from the Confessions, revealing their relevance in the daily lives of ordinary people.