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The Friday Habit
Episode 19
Season 1
10 ways to improve your attitude
Maybe you are like Ben and Mark and you’ve found that positivity helps you have better personal and professional success in life. Or maybe you are one of those people who Mark and Ben smile at relentlessly in the elevator until you make eye contact and smile back. Either way, this episode of The Friday Habit podcast is intended to give you practical pointers for promoting positivity.
When you find yourself struggling with negativity or pessimism, try these ways of improving your attitude:
- Identify the source – Ask yourself why you are feeling this way. If it’s helpful, you could write it down to help you trace the source better.
- Go for a walk – Even a 5-minute mental break that raises your heart rate has been proven to improve your mood and help you have a clearer mind.
- Take a short nap – Taking a 15-minute nap has a unique way of refreshing your mind and body to give you a fresh perspective on even the toughest problems.
- Do something creative – Do something with your hands like working with clay, painting, drawing, or making music that will give you the headspace to think.
- Meditate and breathe – Take a few deep breaths - with your eyes closed if you feel like it – to get centered and give your mind even a few seconds of calm.
- Eat healthy – Eating junk food (or not eating at all) can really bring down your attitude, so have a stash of healthy snacks nearby to give you a quick pick-me-up.
- Put things in perspective – Remind yourself what you have already overcome in life and in this situation and remember that things will not always be the way they are right now.
- Listen to upbeat music – Sometimes music can help you process things better than anything else. Check out some of the playlists linked below if you need a place to start.
- Hang out with positive friends – You are the sum of the 5 people you spend the most time with. Think about that. If you want to be a more positive person, surround yourself with positive people.
- Acknowledge the good things – Have an attitude of gratitude and keep the right perspective. A great way to do this is by working it into your morning routine.
Remember that your attitude shapes your present and your future and you have the power to shape your attitude.
Morning Motivation playlist:
Chill Covers playlist:
Lobby Music playlist:
The Enneagram:
The Enneagram:
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