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Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 6
Season 4
#4.6 How to Reconnect With Your Spouse
Sometimes in our very busy lives we lose that connection and spark and just get set in the doldrums and monotony of just going through the motions of life. Darren and Paige are somewhat there. They have been through a lot in the last 6 months and need to reconnect in a way that Darren isn't Paige's caretaker.
So, how do we start the reconnection process:
- You can start by intentionally spending time together every single day doing something fun. For example, doing the dishes, cooking, going for long walks, etc.
Lets talk about different ways and simple things you can do to reconnect with your spouse emotionally, intellectually, spiritually, physically and of course, sexually.
- Cheer each other on.
- Observe and appreciate the good qualities of your spouse when it comes to them as a person, a spouse, and as a parent.
- Accomplish a bucket list goal together.
- Question: What are three of your happiest memories of our early days together?
- Take a class together.
- Set Goals together.
- Name three things you and your partner appear to have in common?
- Pray together or pray for your spouse.
- Share what you're learning about or something you have read.
- What is something that makes you feel fulfilled?
- Go for a walk together / gym.
- Give each other a back rub.
- Hold hands.
- What did you notice about me first?
- Surprise each other.
- Schedule time together.
- Are you satisfied with the physical aspects of our relationship?
Lemonade Moment of the Week
The kids are graduating from College and they have jobs!! :)
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