COMMIT FIRST - w/ Sagi Shrieber
Episode 53
Season 1
53: A 6 Figure Entrepreneur’s Insights from Attending FlynnCon (Personal takeaways and action items)
Hey everybody! I just attended FlynnCon - the first ever Live Conference by Pat Flynn - Founder of Smart Passive Income.
I came back from this trip to the US full of insights and thought I’d share a few with you here.
It cost me thousands of dollars to fly out from Israel so every time I fly out I try to really pick up what’s the next step to take and implement in MY business.
Hopefully, it will give you a glimpse of why going to such conferences is important, and maybe you can even take away something from what I’ll be talking about here and implement it into your business.
Topics covered in this podcast:
- Importance of Networking
- Team Building, Management, & SOP
- The need to have memberships in place
- Takeaways on marriage and parenting
- Upping the Instagram game and adding more authenticity to your IG presence