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The Friday Habit
Episode 14
Season 1
Why and How to Start a Podcast
Our topic on this episode of The Friday Habit is using podcasting to communicate, inspire, motivate, and connect. There are nearly 1 million podcasts available to listeners at this point in 2020, and you likely subscribe to or listen to at least a few episodes per month. While it might have been complex to launch a podcast back in 2005 when Ben and Mark were both starting to dabble in the platform, technological advances in the past 15 years have drastically reduced the barriers to entry and made it almost effortless for new podcasters to launch their shows.
As with most things in life, it is important to start with “why”, so if you are considering starting a podcast, here are a few things to consider:
- Podcasts capture your audience’s attention – Podcasting as a platform has much higher completion rates than blog posts.
- You can create a personalized experience for your listeners – People are drawn in by the conversational format.
- They help you build and maintain important network connections – As a branding strategy, having a podcast can act as lead generation and increase brand awareness.
- Podcasting can open up a new financial avenue – If you are able to gather enough downloads per episode, you could be eligible for sponsorships and advertising deals to generate additional income.
- Having a podcast positions you as a thought leader in your industry – When you add value to your listeners and share your knowledge with the world through podcasting, people will view you as an industry expert.
Once you are ready to get started, there are some questions you can ask yourself to determine your show topic or idea and how to make people want to listen to it. You can also download a FREE guide that walks you through all of the logistics of launching a podcast on
Links to things we talked about:
Podcast Hosting Platform:
Podcast Recording Platform:
Podcast Hosting Platform:
Podcast Recording Platform:
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