Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 9
Season 3
Episode 3:9 - The Silent Ex Spouse
Does your ex-spouse communicate with you? Or is it just silence when you try to co-parent. Listen to Darren and Paige talk about techniques to open the communications channels and improve co-parenting.
What people do
- Blame Game
- Quiet treatment
- Push-pull
- You cannot make me
- Solo decision maker
- Withholding or punishing
- Trash talker
Ex won't communicate
- Document your communication
- Be Civil
- Do not post on Social media
- Don't involve other people
- Keep personal feeling aside
- Keep it short and sweet
- Use technology
- List both bio parents as contacts on forms
- Use a Mediator or someone your ex will listen to
- The last resort is court. Try and avoid
- Always be kind
- Ignore what you can
- Keep communication open
- Be collaborative in decisions
- Look at your own behavior
- Make sure your children are protected from anger and fighting
- Seek mediation before going into attack mode.
Lemonade Moment of the Week
Mass chaos in the house as we replace flooring. Boxes tripped over in the middle of the night. Everything in disarray. Lemonade our house looks new after replacing 30-year-old carpet.
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