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The Myth Pilgrim
Episode 53
Season 1
52 Cinderella: Politically incorrect or spiritual genius?
Rediscover Cinderella's profound Christian roots and storyline! How do glass slippers, fairy godmothers, ash-covered princesses and a cat named Lucifer echo the biblical story of salvation?
Excerpt from episode: "... If I were to quickly retell Cinderella through the Christian framework, it would go something like this. Cinderella symbolises fallen humanity, with our true dignity covered over by the ashes of sin. We are held captive by the vanity and vices of the world, represented by the wicked stepfamily (who have a cat named Lucifer). The prince stands in the place of Christ, who takes the initiative to reach out to us and love us back into our original dignity. If we choose to respond to the prince’s invitation, supernatural grace is given to us—symbolised by the fairy godmother. Like Cinderella and the prince at the ball, there is a fleeting connection with God in our limited time here, but we sooner flee his presence, ashamed that our true unworthy selves might be rejected. Jesus as the prince then proves that we needn’t feel unworthy, and proves this to us by lavishly clothing the part of us we are most ashamed of, symbolised by the foot and the glass slipper. Finally, Christ betroths us and marries us, taking us into his kingdom. Blessings are poured out on friend and foe alike and for eternity, all live happily ever after. Can you see how the general story arc of Perrault’s Cinderella is faithfully Christian? Not to mention the explicit detail of a godmother right? But anyway, let’s now dive into each section and explore it in more detail... "
My thesis paper: Mythology, Fairytale and the New Evangelisation
My Masters of Theology thesis can be accessed here as a PDF. The section mentioned in the episodes is on Page 21.
Soundtrack information: Music taken from covers of the OST of Disney's Cinderella (composed by Al Hoffman, Patrick Doyle). Chant for Instruments (composed Margaret Riza) was also featured.
Excerpt from episode: "... If I were to quickly retell Cinderella through the Christian framework, it would go something like this. Cinderella symbolises fallen humanity, with our true dignity covered over by the ashes of sin. We are held captive by the vanity and vices of the world, represented by the wicked stepfamily (who have a cat named Lucifer). The prince stands in the place of Christ, who takes the initiative to reach out to us and love us back into our original dignity. If we choose to respond to the prince’s invitation, supernatural grace is given to us—symbolised by the fairy godmother. Like Cinderella and the prince at the ball, there is a fleeting connection with God in our limited time here, but we sooner flee his presence, ashamed that our true unworthy selves might be rejected. Jesus as the prince then proves that we needn’t feel unworthy, and proves this to us by lavishly clothing the part of us we are most ashamed of, symbolised by the foot and the glass slipper. Finally, Christ betroths us and marries us, taking us into his kingdom. Blessings are poured out on friend and foe alike and for eternity, all live happily ever after. Can you see how the general story arc of Perrault’s Cinderella is faithfully Christian? Not to mention the explicit detail of a godmother right? But anyway, let’s now dive into each section and explore it in more detail... "
My thesis paper: Mythology, Fairytale and the New Evangelisation
My Masters of Theology thesis can be accessed here as a PDF. The section mentioned in the episodes is on Page 21.
Soundtrack information: Music taken from covers of the OST of Disney's Cinderella (composed by Al Hoffman, Patrick Doyle). Chant for Instruments (composed Margaret Riza) was also featured.