The Business Of Marketing
Episode 57
Season 1
Effective Podcast Formats for Brands and Individuals with Bernie Borges
In this episode,
Bernie Borges and
A. Lee Judge explore leveraging a podcast for B2B business development, covering practical podcasting formats, recruiting the right guests, effective interviewing, editing, and promotion.
Bernie gives additional insight into his role as the Vice President of Global Content Marketing for iQor, his podcast host roles for iQor's Digital Irresistible podcast, and his podcast titled Midlife Fulfilled.
Conversation points:- Tips to improve podcast reach and audience engagement
- Benefits of networking with other podcasters
- Editing techniques for podcast spacing
- Podcast formats and effective interviewing techniques
- Platforms for advertising podcasts and turning guests into prospective clients
- Editing content and the importance of a website for SEO
- Subscription for a podcast and distinguishing solo shows, interview-style podcasts, and narrative format
This podcast is produced by
Content Monsta - A leading producer of B2B Content.