In today's episode, Dr. Alex shares her approach to healing, which includes addressing emotions, emphasizing self-worth, and using principles from quantum physics.
Dr. Alex's health journey led her to understand that toxic stress and trauma need to be dealt with, or health decline is inevitable.
She went from pushing hard building a successful business to being sick, tired, and losing her hair. She knew things had to change, and she now helps others make those changes as well.
Quantum physics explains that which we can't see. There is a universal intelligence that we all have access to, and we can use that to create healing when we create a space where the body is able to receive that intelligence. We need to energetically clear the path.
We discuss the importance of holding space for a new possibility for yourself.
"What you focus on, you create more of!"It is important to discover where you feel your emotions in your body.
Dr. Alex talks about using meditation to change brainwave states and increase your perspective.
Selfless Syndrome - the innate desire as women to take care of everyone and everything else but self.
We are important!
It is essential to see ourselves as worthy!
Dr. Alex's one step to take is diaphragmatic breathing. Take 5 deep breaths!
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